Iot Privacy and more



February 2023


Fight against abuse: new public consultation on a mediation project

Fight against abuse: new public consultation on a mediation project


From 8 February to 23 March 2022, Afnic is inviting you to give your opinion on the implementation of a new mediation service as a means of amicable resolution of disputes between rights holders and domain name holders. This service would add to the existing alternative dispute resolution procedures (ADR).

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IoT privacy: mid-term progress report on the PIVOT project and Afnic’s work

IoT privacy: mid-term progress report on the PIVOT project and Afnic’s work


As a back-end registry operator and stakeholder in Research and Development on the use of the DNS, Afnic has been a part of the PIVOT project since 2021. The goal of this Franco-German research project is to draw on a DNS infrastructure capable to ensure more privacy and security on identifiers and metadata in the Internet of Things ecosystem.

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Afnic publishes the results of public consultations

Afnic publishes the results of public consultations


Afnic has summarised the responses received to the two public consultations launched in June and September 2022 on changes to the registration rules and access to information.

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11-16 March 2023 - Mexico

Cancun: ICANN 76

20-23 March 2023 - Germany

Rust: Cloudfest 2023

25-31 March 2023 - Japan

Yokohama: IETF 116

30 March 2023 - France

Paris: Afnic User and Registrar Consultative Committees

5-6 April 2023 - France

Paris: Salon Go Entrepreneurs

22-26 May 2023 - Netherlands

Rotterdam: RIPE 86

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1 rue Stephenson
78180 Montigny le Bretonneux

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