Fighting against abuse



March 2023


Adopting DNSSEC is never too late

Adopting DNSSEC is never too late


DNSSEC is an old technology, the current version having been standardised in 2005 and the signing of the DNS root zone (including that of .fr) dating back to 2011. And yet its deployment is far from universal1, even though the threats to DNS security are a constant source of worry for decision-makers and operational stakeholders. What is the cause of this unease and what can we do to overcome it?

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11-16 March 2023 - Mexico

Cancun: ICANN 76


20-23 March 2023 - Germany

Rust: Cloudfest 2023


25-31 March 2023 - Japan

Yokohama: IETF 116


30 March 2023 - France

Paris: Afnic User and Registrar Consultative Committees


5-6 April 2023 - France

Paris: Salon Go Entrepreneurs


22-26 May 2023 - Netherlands

Rotterdam: RIPE 86

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